Exhibitors 2018

Maker Faire Rome 2018: discover our makers, exhibitors and all the selected projects!

Polizia di Stato
  B16 (pav. 5)

PolySHaper Team
PolyShaper is the best technology in the world to 3D cut styrofoam

PolyShaper Team
The PolyShaper Oranje is the first CNC machine for styrofoam cutting in the world market

Lucio Pentagna
A highly portable 3D that can be easily transported and used on external projects

Matteo Bosi, Claudio Ferrari, Cesare Frigeri, Paola Frigeri, Laura Lazzarini, Luca Seravalli, Giovanna Trevisi, IMEM-CNR Institute Parma Francesco Sansone, Laura Baldini, Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, University
In the present project we prepare sensors for explosive detection with improved detection limit and selectivity and mount them on drones for the unmanned exploration of hazardous environments
  D2 (pav. 5)

Chiara Di Cillo
Smiling creations for unordinary people

Michal Adamik, Frantisek Duchon
Image processing, conversion of image into a code for robot, and optimization of its trajectories during the portraying

Potential biological activity of some species of Mediterranean seaweeds as potential sources of molecules for the pharmacology field.

Powahome is the smart home system that allows you to retrofit your existing house wiring whithout adding any control unit.

Marco De Gregorio
Open Source Robotic Arm with different functions. You can move it with your hand into a special glove.

Silvia Rossi, PRISCA Lab
Social Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare

Università di Bari
Overall objective of the project is meet the need of local agro-industry to ensure the transition of economy from a linear to a circular model.

Innovative bio- based products from multifunctional crops. Concepts like zero-waste and multi-functional crops will be described to promote sustainable agro-ecosystems in the context of bio-economy

Chimica Verde Bionet
Chimica Verde Bionet is a no-profit organization that promotes and develops, according to ecological and sustainable criteria, the research, the application and the dissemination of industrial products based on plant.

Team Profacere: Alessandro Bruzzone, Doriana D'Addona, Margherita Monti, Ivan Rosciano, Sonia Borghesi
A maker version of 'Lego-Like' reconfigurable machine tool remotely controlled via internet, enabling modularity, scalability, integration of different manufacturing technologies

Studenti del Liceo Scientifico C.Cavour (Alternanza scuola-lavoro). Responsabile del progetto: Arch. Alessandra Carlini.
Prototyping of creative geometry kits at the School FabLab. Detachable Apollonius cone made with 3D printer

Pierluigi Zerbini
The common rear lights for cars use areas defined for the various visualizations, in this project with the use of multicolor lighting elements the various areas of a rear light can take any color, optimizing its use.

We present a real Helicoper mononseat day a second one with 5 seats all engineered and manufactured by us and finished with tactical new POLYUREA AND NANOSPHERE avionic technology as well a Car completely updated using the same technology part of the same project

Federica Pascucci and CPS Alumni
Exploiting physical layer to protect cyber-physical devices

Oracle Innovation Lab - Italia
Proxima Smart City: model of a scaled down automated city implementing, via IoT and Cloud Computing, several useful functions such as Smart Building, Smart Parking, Smart Trash, Smart Lighting and Smart Safety.

Prusa Research by Josef Prusa
Prusa Research is a 3D printing company based in Prague, Czech Republic. It was founded by Josef Prusa, one of the core developers of the Open Source project Re …
  A9 (pav. 8)

pulsar moonlight - maria elena cianfanelli
space lamps to light, learn and have fun: see and touch the universe from very close by! :)

PuppyBot is a cute robot created to allow people to enter into the world of robotics in a funny way.

Quagga, the first all-Italian company and ecofashion emblem. We design Heads of sustainable and responsible clothing, made of social justice contexts, always placing at the center of our activities respect for the environment, for people and for human relationships.

Classe 3 TEN e 4 TEN, Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “U. POMILIO” Chieti
The project performs dimensional feedback, giving rise to a quality control, identifying and quantifying the defective parts.
  B15 (pav. 9)

Il progetto Quietude è stato coordinato dall'Università di Siena e sviluppato da un team multidisciplinare composto da: Santa Chiara Lab-Università di Siena, Glitch Factory s.r.l., e T4All s.r.l.. Inoltre, il team si è avvalso della collaborazione del
Quietude (www.quietude.it) is a collection of interactive jewels for deaf women to experience and make sense of sounds.

Digitaleria: Tommaso Spagnoli Lino Di Crescenzo
Our idea is to create a vertical, monitored and controlled farm, to be placed inside the houses to get fresh vegetables.

Jasmin Velagic, Dinko Osmankovic
The developed heterogeneous stereo camera module contains a standard RGB and thermal cameras, and Odroid embedded system which is used for sensor data fusion and image processing and analyzing. The system provides a precise detection of thermal features while also extracting these regions in RGB image to detect roofs, windows, doors and similar object where heat is usually lost in the buildings.

Ambrosi Adriano
Smart Power Supply Unit for Raspberry Pi Family with infrared receiver

Tauan Bernardo
A machine system that upcycle PET bottles, creating a material that can be used to create many products.

Giuseppe Talarico e Claudio La Rosa
The project allows to explore the world of ternary logic and to use Trit instead of Bit.

Istituto Tecnico Economico e Tecnologico "Girolamo Caruso" Alcamo
The Virtual Reality can be used to make the final user aware of the different ingredients of the served and tasted products, but also of the traceability of the supply chain.

RECO2 is an innovative green startup offering products and clean-tech solutions for bio-building and circular economy.

ReGenius Loci
The aquaponics reproduces a natural ecosystem where plants and fish live in perfect symbiosis. It will be able to supply the food of the future, free of pesticides.

Ivano Pelicella, Clemente Di Caprio
Ultramic384k is an ultrasonic USB microphone and an unattended recorder with scheduling and trigger capability.

Carlo Reposo
SL 01 "Do It Yourself" CAMERA SLIDER is a low cost motion control system to use manually or from Pc.

Alessandro Bruzzone, Margherita Monti, Doriana D'Addona, Ivan Rosciano, Sonia Borghesi
Remote control of Lego-like Reconfigurable Machine Tools to train and motivate people and groups to the Internet of Things technologies

RepRap Reloaded is a new paradigm in 3D printing based on Raspberry Pi HAT and a novel Delta printer architecture
  F17 (pav. 8)

Respondo is an innovative search tool by QuestionCube, designed to change the management of FAQ.

Team Sapienza SDME
Innovative full scale Solar house prototype competing in Solar Decathon Middle East 2018: green, smart and completely solar powered.

Dr Melesse Temesgen
Our project is an agricultural tool used to create broad bed and furrows that drain excess water from waterlogged vertisols.

Saverio Danubio, Paolo Zampieri, Stefano Plescia
Thermocomposting for heat extraction out of wood waste and compost production

Mauro De Sanctis, Simone Di Domenico, Ernestina Cianca, Tommaso Rossi, Alberto Caponi
We augment wireless communication networks with RF sensing capabilities to recognize actions of people from the analysis of RF signals.

Niklas Sallali
Rhex is an open source hexapod robot built to make experiments and play around with robotics concepts.

Luca Paolo Vasa & Francesco Di Luzio (NOII Design Studio)
RIALZOO is a booster seat for toddler, made entirely of corrugated cardboard, easy to assemble, lightweight and waterproof .

Lorenzo Cafiero, Riccardo Tuffi, Doina De Angelis, Alessio Ubertini, Flavio Caretto, Virginia Maiuri, Domenico Giuliani, Danilo Fontana, Massimiliana Pietrantonio, Stefano Pucciarmati, Sergio Petronilli
The project concerns plastics recycling from waste electric and electronic equipment by grinding, extruding and placing on a 3D printer

Leone Francesca
Accessories and jewellery in recycling of inner tube...what it seemis not always what it is...

We produce high-quality products, 100% made with upcycled textile fibers and made in Italy

IE3D Rimas Engineering is an authorized dealer of 3d printers and 3d scanners prestigious brands and deals with the 3d printers sale and everything that revolve …
  D10 (pav. 8)


Claudio Crescentini, Davide Tranchina, Salvatore Tranchina
Rise of kings is the first board game in the world that, in addition to being "set" as a videogame and playable through the use of an app, has been conceived and created within a Fablab.

Noemi Proietti, Valeria Di tullio, Donatella Capitani
Portable Magnetic Resonance for the non-invasive and non-destructive study of food and plants.

Filippo Fratini
Resources from Mediterranean Sea for Restoration - Spreading the promising results and exploring prospects of the research on Gigartinales algae and Posidonia oceanica for Restoration and Conservation

Fernanda Ledesma; Luís Dourado; Artur Coelho
Robot Anprino is a portuguese educational robotics platform, that uses the power of arduino, blocks-based coding and 3D printing to create a low-cost, modular robot to be used in educational settings.

Robot Band
  One Love Machine Ban

A robotic “butler”, trusty and reliable, that can 1. Help with the house 2. Keep company 3. Keep people safe
  A21 (pav. 9)

Elettra Robotics LAB - IIS Cobianchi (Verbania)
Robot football player with four wheels and omnidirectional movement. RoboCupJunior rules compliant, it can identify, capture and kick the ball.

AI and Robotics Lab - Politecnico di Milano
Robots can show emotions even without a face. Emotion and a character make robots and objects more interesting.

Vittorio Loschiavo
Lawnmower Robot printed with 3D printer and powered with rechargeble battery and with solar panel of 10 watt. Completly autonomus or controllable by RC transmitter or joystick of playstation.

Elettra Robotics LAB - IIS Cobianchi (Verbania)
45cm tall humanoid robot. 19 degrees of freedom, motherboard and software control panel specially developed.
  G1 (pav. 6)

Elettra Robotics LAB - IIS Cobianchi (Verbania)
Mark7 is a humanoid robot with 20 degrees of freedom, created to play soccer in RoboCup

Elettra Robotics LAB
55cm tall humanoid robot with 20 degrees of freedom. Movedby digital servomotors RC 40kgcm. ATmega128/PIC18F2321 controller .
  G1 (pav. 6)

Beniamino Gioli, Piero Toscano, Alessandro Matese, Filippo Di Gennaro, Andrea Berton Federico Carotenuto, Alessandro Zaldei, Carolina Vagnoli
Un nuovo approccio per l’agricoltura di precisione si basa sulla robotica, in cui una piattaforma tecnologica (drone o un rover terrestre) può prendere decisioni autonome basandosi sul contesto, come riconoscere una pianta da sottoporre ad un trattamento, o ricostruire la geometria dei filari per potersi muovere al suo interno. Per questa applicazione abbiamo impiegato tecnologie basate su sensori low-cost derivati dal segmento automotive, quali laser scanner e sensori ottici. Verranno mostrate alcune soluzioni tecnologiche (stazione agrometeorologica low cost Agroduino), una piattaforma UAV ed un insieme di sensori laser ed ottici.

Liceo scientifico statale "Bruno Touschek" Grottaferrata - Roma
Arduino projects: Two robots that play football independently. A robot that follows light sources. A sonar that finds nearby obstacles.

Francesco Onorati
This project stems from the need to create a modular rover with a sturdy, economical, and environmentally friendly load bearing structure, which could reuse the disused elements used in hydraulic pipes.

Laboratorio di Propulsione Spaziale della Sapienza
Making a mini-rocket fly? Design it starting from zero? Complete a mission? All this is possible: just a team, a pinch of chemistry, a handful of physics, the right materials and know how to use a calculation program!!

Smart Lab
3D rapresentation of the olympic neighbourhood of Rome. Scale 1:2000

Università Roma Tre - Dipartimento di Architettura con Devoto Arredamenti - Fab Lab Roma Makers Coordinamento progettuale: Prof. Stefano Converso, con Lorenzo Fei. Studenti: Aru-Belli, Balzano-Casale-Mattocci, Bartozzi, Bonucci-Dzoba, Castroni-Iachella
Open Source Parks in Rome: bottom up maintenance, “Open” digital projects, produced in Fab Labs, and installed for free interaction.

Guido Ottaviani
Complete, electrical cabinet compatible, Home & Building Automation system, with an industrial Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 core

RS Components
RS Components serves over one million customers and offers with more than 500,000 products in our online store. We have everything you need to build awesome p …

glasses made with motorcycle helmets, always wear your helmet !!

Prof. Salvatore Monaco, Ing. Angelo Pignatelli
Mechanical platform for satellite attitude control simulations, equipped with inertial actuators (i.e. three reaction wheels), that allow obtaining experimental results on the dynamics, on ground, of several control strategies.

Roberto Lo Giacco, Alessandro Surian, Toni Scotti, Loredana Rosa Uliana, Roberto De Vivo, Annamaria Marini
In a galaxy not too far away, red and green lightsabers keep smashing against each other: what colour is yours?

Classe 3 TTL B (Istituto Tecnico Nautico), I.I.S.S. Calamatta di Civitavecchia (RM)
Lifebelt that automatically inflates when it falls into water and built with high-technological materials and an innovative inflation system.

Mauro Castelli
A mixture of spices allows eliminating preservatives in natural Castelli sausages.
  D29 (pav. 4)

Felix E. Klee
A computer detects what you have constructed out of spheres and rods.

Sanofi Genzyme
Sanofi is dedicated to supporting people through their health challenges. We are a global biopharmaceutical company focused on human health. We prevent illness …

SASA - Sapienza Flight Team
the project consists in the realization of a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)

SASA - Sapienza SpaceTeam
The work of the team is based on a simulation on a smaller scale of a space mission in which the main phases are “ascent” and “atmospheric reentry

SASA - Sapienza Technology Team
The project consists in the simulation of a Exploration Space Mission with a self-propelled ROVER

Sapienza Università di Roma

Sapienza Università di Roma

Sapienza Università di Roma
  B10 (pav. 5)

4A Makers! - IISS Sandro Pertini Genzano di Roma
SaveMeApp is an alarm device useful for some emergencies, such as earthquake, fire or gas leak.

Carmanini Fabrizio, Cesari Marco, Dal Borgo Filippo Maria, De Vita Stefano, Festa Alfonso , Frezza Davide, Lamparelli Flavio, Lecce Antonio, Maiorano Giorgio, Pescosolido Lorenzo, Petroni Gabriele, Silicani Francesco, Stirpe Nico
A student-built race car that actively involves more than 70 people

ITS Machina Lonati
Seamless Shoes & “La mia scarpa” APP Tailor-made shoes realized without seams. A news look totally customizable with “La mia scarpa” App
  C8 (pav. 9)

UDOO is a family of Open Source Arduino-powered Mini PC, compatible with Android and Linux, that you can exploit both as embedded systems for DIY-electronics pr …
  C3 (pav. 8)

Secure shelter is a system for real-time structural monitoring of buildings and historical assets to be protected and promoted


Caterina Polini
SEIZA: cushion to be applied to any chair, transforming it into an ergonomic and active one. It forces the wisdom of the body to find the correct posture, unloading the weight on the legs, freeing the bottom of the vertebral column from the excessive weight of the body and the abdominal area from the crushing that prevents proper breathing. The micro movement to which it is obliged nourishes and detoxifies the intervertebral discs thus avoiding the damages of a sedentary life. You can also make movements of the pelvis that stretch your back without the need to get up, a sort of seated gym.

The presence in the Technical Institute E Breda of Sesto S.Giovanni - Milano - of a FABLAB laboratory allowed a group of fifth-grade students to try out some projects through the use of additive technologies. In particular, bionic limbs have been realized which, by means of an Arduine board, read the tension of a human muscle, transforming it into an electrical impulse able to move in sync the bionic limb printed in 3D Others have ventured into the construction of small six-leg robots - hexapod robots - always controlled by an Arduino board.

#SensingCheese 4.0 improves the cheese production process through on-line and real-time control of the chemical-physical parameters of the caciotta in maturation.

Sara Scibelli, Vincenzo Ferrara, Fabrizio Frezza - Electronics for the Environment Lab. - Dept. DIET - Sapienza University of Rome,
Design of integrated system, sensor of stars tracker and 3-axis rate gyro, for control of the attitude of small satellites

Sandro Salari
No more lost remote controllers for your gates. You need only your smartphone: connect, control and share

Gaia Fior, Carlo Fonda, Fabio Bensi, Marco Baruzzo
An "infinity mirror" as tabletop of an IKEA table, with load cells: 19x9 RGB LEDs controlled by your hand!

Sigfox, the world’s leading Internet of things (IoT) connectivity service. With its global LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) network, Sigfox has reinvented connecti …

Marco Baruzzo, Carlo Fonda, Sara Sossi, Gaya Fior, Erika Ronchin, Enrique Canessa
Trieste is well known in Italy for its strong Bora wind, with our simulator you can feel its power.

ITS Meccatronico Veneto
An app and a Braille display capable of write a speech in Braille. So a blind-deaf can read it thanks his touch.

Sis.Ter srl works on geo-spatial solutions in order to observe, understand, analyze and control the territory since 1997. Our company is specialized on data and …
  B30 (pav. 4)

Ing. Flavio Lanese
Innovative patented, anti-seismic construction system, based on the mechanical assembly of reusable modules that can be made of different materials

LoRaWAN sensor network for monitoring critical infrastructures within Industry 4.0

Classe 3°A GAT - IIS Luigi Einaudi- Chiari
A mechanical seeder combined to an irrigation pipe-layer getting seeds sowed and pipes laid down in a single ride.

Britti Domenico, Cosco Donato, Fresta Massimo, Paolino Donatella, Trapasso Elena
The project is related to the use of a nanocarrier-loaded for Leishmaniosis treatment

Ilaria Giannetti, Tullia Iori (SIXXIGames) Claudio Intrigila, Paolo Bisegna, Nicola Antonio Nodargi (SMS)
SIXXI3DLab designs, with 3D printing, scale structural models (SMS) and serious games (SIXXIGames) increasing knowledge on Italian Engineering Heritage

Jeffrey Roe
Turn your head into a speaker that only you can hear with bone conduction.


SKY TO JOIN THE MAKER FAIRE IN ROME Sky will be present at the Maker Faire in Rome to take us to the heart of the Arctic, to the Svalbard islands through a 360 …
  A8 (pav. 7)

Alessio Morale & Officine Robotiche
A self built rover robot with autonomous capabilities based on opensource technologies(ROS, UNav etc.)

Andrea Martini
Sliding-3D the 3D Printer, equipped with an infinite printing plan, that simplifies the continuously printing.
  F25 (pav. 8)

Jan Baeyens, Roberto Lo Giacco
A step forward toward professional programming of Arduino and other boards.

Mariano Cerbone, Lorenzo Arena,
Mongoose is the first Smart Alarm for vehicles and bikes that use a innovative technology called NB-IOT, powerd by Vodafone.
  C5 (pav. 4)

Luca Tencati , Luca Gaspani
Our project involves the construction of a completely modular, flexible and versatile production line with the aim of filling, closing and labeling a personalized can directly from the customer by the web.

Gruppo progetto SHFB I.I.S "G. Marconi" Nocera Inferiore (SA)
Smart house for Blind (SMNVI project) is an automation tool realized to make more usable home enviroment for blind and low vision people

Lorenzo Riggi
SmartEyes' app lets you control your house with your eyes
  A8 (pav. 4)

Martino Colciago
SmartGreen is an hydroponic greenhouse automatized by Arduino and Raspberry Pi , controlled by an app or a bot on Telegram.

Giovanni Saggio, Vito Errico, Mariachiara Ricci, Franco Giannini, Carla Cenci
A sensory headwear allows the human head acting like a joystick.

3AI e 3BC I.T.T.S. "Volta" Perugia
A small user-programmable multi-purpose disk made of recycled paper with a NFC chip inside usable for greeting or emergency cards.

Gabriela Dudca, Lorenzo Pilat, Cristian Dudca with Fablab Belluno
A machine to mount SMD components all thanks to a XY Plotter Makeblock a compressor and the mWraw softwer.

Alessandro Oppo e Alessio Ciferri
smileBack, the smart back panel that helps people sitting down correctly and educate them to keep a good posture.

Antonio Bicchi
Meet Ego a humanoid robot with wheels, muscles, hands and head, and try to be a robot.

Visual Computing Lab – ISTI CNR
Advanced technologies for innovative cast-based digital fabrication, Tensegrity design e processing models for 3D printing

Maiseville Groupe Limited
Solar Pulse is a portable solar powered generator that support Off-Grid rural small enterprises with clean, reliable and affordable energy.

Reclamation of polluted water and soil by using plants

At this year's Maker Faire show in Rome, the Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corp and Sony Developer Program team present the new Spresense IoT development board. …

Marco Bertola, Marco Re, Gianluca Susi
The projects are devoted to the control of electronic instruments by using the Kinect controller or by using an electronic glove or vice versa the detection of the musician groove by using an electronic glove

Fabio Ballanti, Vito Errico, Giovanni Saggio
SoundGlove is a glove equipped with pressure sensors, strain gauges and gyroscope to play a virtual piano

Solutions & Services for Digital Fabrication, e-textile, Fashion Tech, Robotics, Industry 4.0 and Fab Labs Management. Creative Learning, Education and Courses …
  B25 (pav. 4)

Marco Simonetti - Diego Zabot - R3place - Biennio 2016-2018 TIB dell'ITS A.Volta di Trieste
Customizable Ergonomic Supports in 3D printing to improve the driving of electric wheelchairs and APP to support the clinical practice

SPIRULINA, A SPECIAL TYPE OF MICROALGA OF FRESHWATER, IS ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE FOOD THAT THE NATURE GIVES YOU. Spireat is a start-up that produce spirulina and spirulina based products thanks to its innovative methods based in a circular economy way
  D11 (pav. 6)

ApuliaKundi si occupa di ricerca sulle micro alghe; in particolare produce SpirulinaK biologica, naturale, pura e Made in Italy.
  D10 (pav. 6)

Manuel Onorati, Giovanni Saggio, CUS Roma Tor Vergata
The Sports Movement of Rome Tor Vergata (CUS) launches the sport competition that uses the research conducted by Prof. Giovanni Saggio on wearable devices to create the first technological sports tournament. Take part too!

Stampa 3D sud
Stampa 3d sud is a young company, founded a few years ago from the passion for new technologies. Composed of a young and heterogeneous team, Stampa 3d sud gat …
  A5 (pav. 8)

Elisabetta Macchi
Digital pronto in ceramics support or thinks

Lorenzo De Luca with FabLab Belluno
Open Source stereo hi-fi Based on Volumio and Raspberry Pi, with web radio, music from USB, Spotify and Spotify connect

Robotics And Innovation Lab (Trinity College Dublin)
Stevie is a social robot, created as a general purpose research platform for robotics and artificial intelligence applications.

Strooder is plastic filament extruder, designed to convert raw or recyclable plastic into filament for your 3D printer.

Sandro Giammellucca
create a musical instrument with any waste or raw material

Classi 4° PTS ( corso Moda) e 4° TEN (corso Elettrico/Elettronico) Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “U. POMILIO” Chieti
SUN IN THE BAG: solar panel and LED technology to illuminate the inside of the bag when it is dark.

Fabiana Arduini, Stefano Cinti, Noemi Colozza, Maria Rita Tomei, Vincenzo Mazzaracchio, Eleonora Marcoccio, Danila Moscone
Paper-based (bio)sensors for a sustainable measurement of different compounds in biomedical, environmental, and agri-food areas.

Sviluppo Campania S.p.A. - Regione Campania
Sviluppo Campania is an in-house company of Regione Campania. Its mission is to contribute – under the Regione Campania guidelines – to carry out plans, pro …

A. De Iacovo, C. Venettacci, S. Bruno, L. Colace
The objective of this project is the development of sensors based on colloidal nanoparticles to be integrated with front-end and conversion electronics.

Alessandro Paglialunga - Superelectric Srl
systemONE is a hyperspectral/mulristectral/thermal sensor for UAVs for Precision Agriculture, Environmental, Pollution Monitoring, Archeology, Utilities and Critical Infrastructures Monitoring.

Ernesto Limiti, Roberto Mugvero, Valentina Sabato
Master is organized in order to provide an integrated and multidimensional framework in three main areas: security, defence and intelligence.

Mimesis s.r.l. + Allievi ITS MAKER sedi Emilia Romagna
An innovative autonomic guide vehicle-lab for airflow accurate measurements in tunnels

T1N4 (Tina) is a humanoid robot, It can Walk, talk listen and play wiht AI at games as hangman
  C14 (pav. 9)

Danny Scheible and Eben Burgoon
Masking tape meets imagination forming an entire ever-expanding city made of tape!

Team Sapienza SDME - Sapienza Università di Roma
  E3 (pav. 5)

Techno-B Brace
This project aims to regulate posture by avoiding the traditional rigid correction tools, limiting the discomfort of people forced to use an orthopedic bust.
  A27 (pav. 4)

The company, founded in the early 1980s, now performs every service for radio broadcasts, including the civil design of technological sites, permit requests, ar …

TEKO Company was founded on 1957. Helping you gain a competitive advantage through innovative electronics enclosures. Teko delivers world-class enclosures to el …

From digital raw to manual perfection. Demonstration of the potential of digital manufacturing techniques in the production of ceramic sculptures.

Nicola Coppedè, Andrea Zappettini, Miche la Janni
Textile biochemical sensors allows to monitor plant lymph, and understand optimal irrigation, nutrition and health of the plant..

Nicola Coppedè, Andrea Zappettini
The sensors made on textile fiber allow the monitoring of physiological conditions in a non-invasive way, directly from the sweat, for information on dehydration

Antonio Ianiero
Thaumachines - Technologies that induce wonder. An exhibition of machines that do amazing things for those who look at them.

E-GAP is the first mobile recharging operator for electric vehicles. It provides on-demand recharging services through special electric Vans. After downloadin …
  B1 (pav. 6)

We invite everyone to help us build a huge Geodesic Dome and then join us in creating S.T.E.A.M. maker projects.

Massimiliano Aiazzi
Three musicians – a pianist, a drummer and a double bass player – who play their instruments thanks to a series of gears, cams and wires.

2nd Junior High School of Chania
A homewbrew Z80 based computer for teaching computer architecture and assembly programming!

The Raspberry Pi Foundation

The Raspberry Pi Foundation
Inspire your inner inventor and learn what you can do with a Raspberry Pi!

Pietro Amodeo (ICB-CNR), Francesco Castelluccio (ICB-CNR), Salvatore Donadio (ICB-CNR), Salvatore Mallardo (IPCB-CNR) – by: MoSeF – ICB-CNR, IPCB-CNR
TRPV1 (“red hot pepper”) receptor robot model: an attractive tool for science dissemination and an original application of school subjects.

Steampact Project
An interactive Steampunk workshop, with crafts and furniture that seem to come out from a Jules Verne's novel.

Pier Calderan
Modern reproduction with totally robotic control of the chess-playing Turk, originally produced by Wolfgang von Kempelen in 1769.
  E15 (pav. 9)

Simone Tibollo
Thueris is an IoT Wi-Fi module, embeddable in existing electrical systems, which makes electrical sockets and switches smart.

ITI "Enrico Fermi" Mantova, classe 5CCH
Tibic is a monitoring system, built on ESP32, designed for indoor or outdoor crops.

Mario Cuomo e Francesca Leone
Timeboom is a world that links fun and teach. It's an idea born to help children to learn math easily.

Softcare Studios Srls
TOMMI is a VR game for anxiety and pain relief in hospitalized children involving parents and doctors during therapy.

ITS Apulia Digital Maker
“Track Track” is a Design Thinking project made to empatize the needs of the “personas” of Open Agri 4.0

Afshin Nazarief, Noel Aljalkh, Agata Moraveska
Big Tubas are going to use for calling dogs from each entry of the park with RFID reader

Daniele Tavagnacco, Stefano Sartor, Erik Romelli, Michele Maris and the Science Industries crew
Come with a bottle, create you rocket and flight it.

Gianni Alessandroni
Treevoice is an IOT system highly qualified to supervise the stability of trees and structures through artificial intelligence.

  B6 (pav. 4)

Giuseppe Torino
The TV Smart Timer, designed to be an easy to use device, is a possible solution to the problem that parents have to set a limit to the time spent by their children watching television.

Pierpaolo Loreti, Massimiliano De Luca, Alexandro Catini, Lorenzo Bracciale, Gabriele Gentile, Corrado Di Natale
A device architecture node for Wireless Sensor Network that combines an ultra low power sleep mode and a long range communication capability

IoT Lab - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Scienze Matematiche, Università di Siena
A small prototype for Smart Agriculture created by the students of Internet of Things Laboratory of the University of Siena

Leonardo Notaro
The project consists in the design of lanterns, using a spiraloid geometry as a recurring form with the Fibonacci sequence.

AgriMax biorefinery approach will turn food residues into new valuable products for the food, packaging and agriculture sectors
  D14 (pav. 6)

Bence Tóth - Miklós Zsigó
Would you like to save drinking water? Use the Underwater Cyclops

Control Systems Lab, Mechanical Engineering Dept., National Technical University of Athens, Greece
(Semi-) Autonomous Underwater Dexterous Manipulation

Unidata S.p.A.
Unidata is a Telecommunications Operator, focused on the provision of Internet services and with an experience of over thirty years. Unidata operates mainly in …
  F2 (pav. 8)

Unione Nazionale delle Camere di Commercio d'Italia
  C5 (pav. 9)

  G4 (pav. 5)

Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
  G2 (pav. 5)

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
  A1 (pav. 5)

Università degli Studi di Siena
  D11 (pav. 5)

Università degli Studi di Trento
  B14 (pav. 5)

Università degli Studi Roma Tre
  C10 (pav. 5)

Università di Bologna - Dip. di Informatica Scienza e Ingegneria.
  C2 (pav. 5)

University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro
  C1 (pav. 5)

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
  E1 (pav. 5)

University of Novi Sad
  D10 (pav. 5)

Daniele Pizzichini, Claudio Russo, Gianpaolo Leone
Liquid Food matrices (Milk, fruit juices, plant extracts) and their by-product (cheese whey, olive milling waters ) can be valorized extracting valuable substances through simple and sustainable technologies.

Silvia Rossi, PRISCA Lab
Socially Assistive Robotics, Alzheimer Disease, Human-Robot Interaction

Black Studio
In the Upcycled collection the Eco-Sustainability concept is applied to the field of Fashion Design. The name itself indicates the main feature of this line created by converting waste into a raw material and thus adding value to the final products.

uRAD is a radar shield that you can connect directly on your Arduino or Raspberry Pi to develop stunning, radar technology-based applications. In fact, the shie …

eTa Blades
uTo - indoor and outdoor design lamps made from materials produced by the production of wind turbines

FabLab - I.I.S. "Algeri Marino" Casoli (CH)
The project consists of a system that monitors the amount of ultraviolet rays that affect a person and displays the intensity on a pair of glasses

Gruppo di studenti e docenti del 1° anno del corso 6 ITS della Fondazione ITS Recanati: INDUSTRY 4.0 Tecnico Superiore per l'automazione e i sistemi meccatronici
VDI-1 device to monitor the paramotors: increases flight safety. Useful in air and ground for maintenance

Conoscere per rispettare, conoscere per valorizzare. Il Mare subisce costantemente l'impatto delle nostre attività. Da qui una maggiore consapevolezza per sviluppare idee innovative volte alla tutela e valorizzazione delle risorse marine.
  I4 (pav. 6)

Gruppo di lavoro "Vestito smart"
“Vestito smart” can change shape, opening up as a flower, on demand of the wearer or of watching audience.

Monitor wifi display for viewing the production and consumption data of an off-grid MPP-SOLAR photovoltaic system.

Lucio Gonzalez, ignasio Gonzalez, Julieta Arbizu
We design and develop music instruments using digital fabrication and manual skills to promote learn by doing.

Marco Guglielmi e Angela Conte
Bag out of the dark The Vintage Bag was born from the union between the manufacture craftsmanship and innovative Italian genius. Conceived for have an original design, quality in materials and a usefulness unexpected: that of lighting up thanks to an Arduino control board which commands the understanding of the light inserted in the intact part e charging external devices.

Martina Frausin
Vira is a diagnostic kit that allows, through an instant salivary test, to determine the presence of Human Papilloma Virus.

Alessia Glielmi, Rossi Marielisa, Partner tecnologico del progetto: Space spa
It is a virtual platform that allows the dialogue between sources, documents and objects through homogeneous descrittive criteria with the purpose of constituting a collection of virtualized nominative files, each of them corresponding to a victim of the Fosse Ardeatine massacre

Michele D’Amico with FabLab Belluno
Bobsled simulator, created to give the chance to relive an exciting descent along frozen casings of the main world tracks.

Francesco Fusco, Daniele Sabatini, Stefano Sabatini, Bitjam
Visible light used in order to open the garage but also to talk to the car behind us

Avye Couloute
Voice O"Tronik bot is a robot which responds to voice commands such as "move arms', "roll eyes", "open mouth".

Amy R. Wu, Matthew A. Robertson
What do pendulums and walking have in common? Learn about the science behind human locomotion with bipedal walking robots.

DAM Bros Robotics
Walk-ing is an artificial foot with sensors to monitor the patient's posture. It’s highly customizable thanks to the 3D printed skeleton and to medical grade silicone skin.

Research on poor materials and their interaction with light brings to Wanda; a lamp made of polypropylene straps intertwined completely by hand on a laser-cut Plexiglas support. 150 holes - 600 intertwined Beauty, inventiveness and patient manual work are combined in a unique piece of furniture.

Alessio Morale & the LibrePilot Team
Two robot implementations using the opensource LibrePilot firmware, originally aimed at powering drones

WaterSave it's an innovative domestic water managment system. It can reduce a lot the incredible wast in the world.

Davide Golzio
collection of bijoux-jewelry made with 3D printing in different materials such as: pla, resin, steel, silver. The result is something extremely original and innovative.

Würth Elektronik Italia S.r.l.
About Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG is a manufacturer of electronic and electromechanical components for the el …

European aviation meteo forecast for pilots for flight planning purpose and real time meteo data updating in flight through satellite link

antonio leone, domenico crupi, mario cuomo, francesca leone
Webiqu is a professional BBQ thermometer with a companion app for your Android or iOS smart phone.

Antonio Catapano, Andrea Monterumisi, Luca Boarini, Mattia Nanetti
Wenda created a shared, plug and play platform to track the integrity of food along the distribution, knowing how much and when the food has been stressed.
  E7 (pav. 4)

Comparison of a fossil-based and bio-based process chain in the cosmetics industry

Mirko Antonini
WHEARE is a system of innovative hardware and software technologies for an accurate and integrated evaluation of the sports performances of the football player.

Wia: Conall Laverty, Austin Spivey
TBD - Don't have the exact product we will make yet until we know the space/setup

The Pervasive Electromagnetic Lab & Radio6ense: Gaetano Marrocco, Cecilia Occhiuzzi, Sara Amendola, Simone Nappi, Nicola D'Uva, Carolina Miozzi, Michela Longhi
Batteryless sensor networks for the pervasive monitoring of the human body and made things

Portable monitoring device for fine particle pollution (PM2.5/PM10), with real time feedback and alarm when legal limits have been surpassed.

Fondazione Mondo Digitale
A training course for female self-entrepreneurship aimed at creating a prototype to be offered to companies in the sector.

X-BD1, the crash-proof quadricopter

Matteo Vanotti
xFarm is a platform that helps farmers get the most out of their farm data.

Yellow Printer 138 group @ IIS G. Vallauri
A 3D printer, open source: bigger, for bigger 3D printed objects! Ever thought a 3D printer could be YELLOW?

Scott Stevenson
We are pulling apart the technology in the Zano Drone!
  G13 (pav. 6)

Team zeroCO2 (Andrea Pesce, Giorgio Jaupi, Irene Culcasi, Raffaele Ventura)
zeroCO2: plant a tree with a click and offset CO2. Wear the only 100% recycled T-shirt or subscribe to monthly plans.

Rosa Garofalo, Sebastiano Ercoli, Daniela Meroni, Enrico Bassi e Francesco Rodighiero
A portable tool for zooming texts and images
  B1 (pav. 4)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am